It's the week for final exams yet I've been procrastinating more than usual. I promise myself I'd study but I just get distracted too easily.
During the weekend, I began Saturday with productive studying of Psychology. That didn't last long. Met up with Ara Vat F21. There was a massive sale. I barely treat myself so I bought a lot of shit since I saved up a lot of money. Reasonable price for the number of pieces I got. I love Forever 21 forever!
Summer clothes ! |
She stayed at my house until 1 in the morning and we non stop talked on my bed because we're sick kids with coughs and colds. So obviously, I never managed to study.
Sick kids can be vain kids too ! |
By Sunday, all I did was nap & take several phone calls & some Facetime.
Then yesterday, I drew this with the computer for about two hours and thirty minutes. After I finished it, I couldn't stop staring at it because I felt so stupid for wasting my study time. I don't even know why I drew this.
I think I've been easily distracted lately because my mind is set on summer. Summer. I'm excited for you. I've already planned so many adventures in my head. Next week, I'm probably going to dip dye my hair a light pink. Ara and I have been talking about this since god knows when. I think she'll be going for turquoise.We're going to look like mermaids.
Fuck my life because here I am procrastinating out my soul when I should be studying. Theology & English are pieces of cake though but still. If it's easy, perfect it already yeah? Fucking turning in to a damn nerd. I'm so sick of studying.
Cams & I were talking about it and how we can't help but apply the things we've been learning and it just comes out of our mouths like word vomit. Proof is seen in the following text messages.
This post is longer than what it should be. This is a product of my procrastination. Shoot me.