Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I want a body just like Barbie's

I had my nails today colored. Went to Bel-Air to have them done. Pink on my fingernails and violet on my toenails.

Such Barbie girl colors I thought. So obsessed to turn in to a damn Barbie doll. 

So yes, I've been on an intense diet to get that Barbie doll figure. I'm always on a diet but it's all super serious now. After one year of being an omnivore, I decided a few days ago that I will stop eating meat again. Took out other things from my diet too like pasta and bread and soda and fast food. Yes, I'm going insane again. 

We also went to the grocery today. Check out the goods I damn got. Mom calls it my stash. Goodness goodness. So ready for this
I've also been doing a lot of running lately too and exercise. There's this cool app called Runkeeper that shows how fast you're going and even tracks down the route you're running. It's kinda creepy and stalker like with the map and streets and tracking your every step. Creeper app but cool nevertheless
Goal weight is 90 pounds. Motivate me. Tell me I'm fat.