Thursday, March 31, 2011

It's not fair and it's really not okay

3A gathered up together for Sir Geronimo today. It's really unfair that he won't be in CSA anymore. He told us the very long story. At least we won't be there anymore to see him go. Sir Geronimo was 3A's co adviser. It was nice to gather up for one last time. It was also Czhim's birthday so we all ate cake.

I wish Kay got to join us but he had some stuff to do. He had to buy two things for their physics lab for his clearance.
 3A & Sir G
The pictures turned out to bright. I couldn't fix them.

I met up with Kay after the 3A gathering. We ate and Wendys. We still had to look for one more object. He already bought a plasma ball while I was gone. It was hard to think of what else to get. Everything was much too expensive. Ended up buying a tuning fork. It was fun like a scavenger hunt. We kept going back and forth everywhere.

I wish we could've watched a movie though. He had to go so soon because he had to be at school by 4. 
Kay's sister is so sweet. She got me a graduation gift. Kay didn't even get me one lol. 

When Kay left, I waited for mom at Fully Booked and looked at pretty picture books. Then we went to Forever 21 at Megamall and Megan was shopping like fuck. I got some make up from Skin Food. I've been so attracted to make up lately.
Fuck, I'm so tired and not ready for tomorrow.

Hosanna in the highest

We had our Baccalaureate Mass today. Our last mass in CSA.

Moon stories

Yesterday night, Denise slept over and she fell asleep at 9. We walked the dogs all the way to Josh's house but he wasn't there. And now, we're eating pancakes for breakfast. I don't know wtf is with the title, Denise told me to put it there.

Anyway, we shall be going to our school now for our Baccaluareate Mass today. Tomorrow is our graduation. Cannot believe. Here we are with our graduation caps.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I want to be forever young

It's almost midnight and I'm still wide awake. I finally managed to play a gameboy on my computer. I never even knew you could do that! It took me forever to get something working because Mac is sad when it comes to downloading shit. I had to make do with the Pokemon on my phone.

Angelo sent me some links and whatnot so I got that working. Thanks Angelo. Now I'm all happy like a child. I miss my gameboy SP and using my Ipod. All I ever bring around with me lately is my phone.
Whatever. This will keep me busy for a while. I downloaded Pokemon & Harvest Moon. My childhood.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Honorable mention

My very busy Saturday. Right after Ara left me, I got ready in an hour for Kay's graduation. He picked me up and we went all the way to SMX. That's where his graduation was held. 

Kay got me all stressed because he asked me for a barong at the very last minute. Lol, he's wearing my dad's barong. Oh how strange. My dad shall not know about this.
Kay's father & sister
The program was long and boring. I was playing Pokemon in my phone the whole time.
We had dinner at GB afterwards. Har har har. Kay was walking around the mall in a barong. Told him not to take it off. People kept staring. Formal attire and shit. We ate at Bubba Gump. I've never eaten there before but I remember Kay telling me a long time ago that it was his favorite restaurant. His sister's boyfriend joined us for dinner as well. I was so shy. I did not finish the food they ordered for me. Tsk.
I don't like the lighting here
Kay brought me home after all that. Congratulated him and a kiss goodnight. I'm glad to be happy.
Family reunion going on in the house. Long day you see!

Congrats Kay

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Dressed with slits

Since Ara slept over, I was forced to bring her with me to my dress fitting. The dress is all good. I'm not that into it but it will do. Classy.
Mel Orlina made my dress. She used to work in Debbie Co but made up her own business. She made my prom dress too. Pretty dresses.

Mom also brought Ara & me to the Salcedo Market. It was so much fun and the sun felt so nice in the morning. We ate lychee sorbet and dumplings. Sadly ran out of battery when we got there but Ara took a lot of pictures with her camera. We looked like tourists.

Friday, March 25, 2011


What a goddamn night. Ara arrived my house and we both walked to Karu's house where we were all bitching and real angry because of pms and shit like that. Janelle was there too. Karu was our ride to Jo's house for her bubble of awesomeness pajama party as Jo calls it. Brought our pajamas in case but we never really got to use them.

Oh anyway, I had such a good night. I haven't had fun like that in a while. It was all chill and good fun.
Joanna [Birthday Girl] and her lovely face
Fucking huge pizza and booze.
Here all the people having a fucking lovely time.
And then, there's me having fun too
I don't even remember who took this picture.
We had to go so soon but it's alright. I'm thankful. Thanks Jo for the awesome party. We love you!
Lol Jo :|
This last picture, Ara V took when we got home. She slept over and we ran around the village and lay on sidewalks for a while.

My 1 year old dog

Scarlet turned 1 today and 7 in dog years. She grew so big. I wish I could've bought her some cake.

Once on a paper torn from his notebook

I've been doing a lot of reading lately due to all the boring practices in school. Also due to constant depression. I don't know why I feel so sad all the time honestly. Maybe it's just that time of the month.

I've read three of the books there so far and am currently reading The Girl with the Dragoon Tattoo. It's starting of real boring but I heard it's pretty good so I'll try finishing it this weekend. I loved those other 3 books I read though. They were so beautiful. I don't really have a favorite. The Perks of Being a Wallflower just had me glued. I liked how the kid talked. I only read The Cather in the Rye because of the guy kept talking about it in The Perks of being a wallflower. The Catcher in the Rye made me laugh hella lot. Tuesdays with Morrie [Just continued reading this because I had to read it for school and never finished] made me cry, seriously.

Here are some of my favorite lines ♥

“We accept the love we think we deserve”

I really think that everyone should have watercolors, magnetic poetry, and a harmonica

But because things change. And friends leave. And life doesn’t stop for anybody

If a girl looks swell when she meets you, who gives a damn if she's late? Nobody

If you had a million years to do it in, you couldn't rub out even half the 'Fuck you' signs in the world. It's impossible
Death ends a life, not a relationship

Love each other or die

If you hold back on the emotions--if you don't allow yourself to go all the way through them--you can never get to being detached, you're too busy being afraid

I hope to get some more books to read. I really do want to read the following books below but do not own them. I shall be hunting for them in bookstores soon.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

We come in this world and we go out just the same

I didn't go to school today.

I wanted to go to the funeral of my Tita Celly. She passed away last Sunday. Mom said I didn't have to go but I did anyway. I cried and I didn't really expect myself crying because I'm not that close with her. She's my grandma's brother's wife. We just call practically all my lady relatives Tita.

I attended the wakes and cried occasionally in the car when no one really noticed. I don't know. It's just really damn depressing when someone passes away. Or maybe I'm just so emotional. It's probably that.
It's just so sad hearing her husband sing her their old theme songs and watching her daughter cry and scream and all that. It's contagious, those sad feelings. It was worst at the funeral than the wakes. That's when people lost it and started crying like hell and I just tried to hold it all in and tear up a bit. Now I know why so many people were wearing sunglasses.

I still feel so sad. It won't go away. Sadness is a sickness for me. Once it starts, all the bad things that aren't even related to what I was first thinking about run around my head. I cried a lot when I got home. I'm scared to lose anyone close. I don't know how I'll handle it, being so fragile and breakable. I have a huge imagination and think about death a lot. I think about mine as well and how I always wanted sunflowers instead of those usual white flowers. I will stop now.

I think too much I think.

Rest in peace Tita Celly

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I know Jo likes elephants
I hope I can go on Friday
Hey bebe gurl, I love you

Monday, March 21, 2011

4th Grade Odds & Evens

What a shitty Monday. I was kinda excited for today because of the games. Odds & Evens [this game we had at the 4th grade and they decided to use for Seniors Day today] I lost all the mood to join because of the heat. I was sticky and oh goodness, we were out in the covered court surrounded by heat all fucking day.
My best friend's sexy ass
Don't mind the mouchtache. I just put that there because I was doing an awkward face. I like my hair today, it looked neater than usual. Oh and I finally got my bangs cut just the way I like it.

After school, we walked all the way to Petron for yougurt at Frutti Froyo. Fuck, I can't even describe how hot the heat was.
Awesome shit
Jerr's face is beautiful
 I'm off to bed.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lollipops like flower bouquets

Today after ACP, Kay and another visit. That's why my hair looks like shit because of ACP. We just stayed in the park. It was pretty windy.